Law 5

The first meeting is important; this is where you build the foundation for collaboration. Take time to introduce yourself and discuss your expectations for the collaboration.

Here are some suggested points to cover in the first meeting:

  • Timeframes and where do we meet?

    Decide where and how often you will meet and how long the meetings should be.

  • Confidentiality – openness

    What does it mean that the conversations are confidential?

  • Purpose and goals

    What are the mentee’s goals with the mentorship?
    What questions does the mentee particularly want to address, and which ones should you start with?
    Work-related issues are the most important in a mentorship, although private life, social issues, and perhaps philosophy will also be touched upon. Examples of topics often discussed in a mentorship include work situation, leadership, work relationships, working methods, development opportunities, workload, and self-awareness. It’s the mentee who decides which topics to discuss. The mentor shares their thoughts, experiences, and network but should not take too many initiatives.

  • Attendance – obstacles
  • Get to know each other and tell more about yourselves

    The largest part of the first meeting involves getting to know each other and establishing understanding and trust.

Before your mentorship – the current situation

Analyzing your work situation is a wise investment of time and can increase your awareness and give your mentor a picture of your current situation. This can involve tasks, relationships, responsibilities, authorities, or anything else that affects you.

Here are some questions you can reflect on:

  • What works well today?
  • What works less well?
  • What do you find difficult to manage?
  • How do you view the future – fears/expectations?
  • What’s most important to change?
  • Which relationships need improvement?
  • What are your strengths and weaknesses?

Meeting Log

Date/place for meeting 1:
We talked about:
For next meeting:
Date/place for next meeting:

Date/place for meeting 2:
We talked about:
For next meeting:
Date/place for next meeting:

…and so on