Law 8The purpose of the mentor conversation is to get an overall perspective on the year and sum up goal fulfilment & important lessons learned (personal and company perspective)


Goals – What goals have I/we had? Have set goals been achieved (alternatively, how far have I reached in relation to set goals (both mentee and mentor have had goals)?

What have we talked about? -What subject areas have we touched on: leadership, emergency situations, internal politics, balance in life, career.

What lessons – What is the most important thing I take away from the talks/year:
Development as a leader? Development as a person?

New skills?
What has/will my company benefit?

How do I proceed? – with or without a mentor to achieve the rest of my goals/new goals-

How have the conversations been? – What has worked well (the relationship, meetings, actions between meetings)
What could have been different (if we start over, what would we do differently then)

What words (3 words) would you use to summarize the program?

Examples: inspiring, knowledge, insights, reflection, guilty conscience, liberating, lustful, must, want, change, movement…

Feel free to draw a “mentor year” line on an A3/A4 sheet. Helps create an overview/whole

Draw in and describe

• Start (eventual reconciliations) and end
• Important events at work and privately
• What have we talked about? Highlights in the conversations that led to new learnings, actions, etc
• Goals achieved
• Other important things

For the mentee, a functioning mentorship should contribute to:

• New perspectives
• New challenges
• Encouragement – help maintain motivation
• Help set and achieve goals
• Learning both about oneself and one’s professional role


• Is the one whose development is in focus
• Has the main responsibility for formulating goals and is the one who decides which topics of conversation should be brought up
• Is prepared to look at himself and his professional role
• Takes responsibility for his development and his part in the mentorship


• Is a conversational partner, a sounding board, someone who listens and discusses various issues
• Shares his experiences, knowledge and experiences
• Is encouraging and support for the mentee’s motivation
• Get the opportunity to reflect on their own experiences and be inspired to new thoughts and perspectives