När jag är lite nere (händer då och då) brukar jag läsa vad mina arbetskamrater har skrivit om mig… sen mår jag mycket bättre och blir alldeles varm i hjärtat!

Roger Lindberg
Mats is a competent, devoted and inspiring Manager at Ericsson. I have been working with him and his different teams several times and I am always surprised of the positive and useful feedback he gets from his subordinates every time. In case you get the option of employing him or to work together with him, don´t hesitate… go for it!!!

Jerry Chang
Mats is a great leader with vision. As my line manager, he has shared his view of how to make improvement and guided me in many cases to generate max. value to the organization.
Mats is also a greater mentor in both career and life aspects. He always generously shares different new ideas about life/career and how we can manage those in different perspectives.

Mujahed Anwer
Mats a good manager, Who empowers, Who motivates his team.
Always pro-active thinking, Always keep the team informed.
A good listener

Besse Vaseghi
Working with Mats in Saudi Arabia and Dubai has been a pleasure. He is a very dedicated person and whatever he does, is strictly professional.

Jyri Lönnström
Mats is a person that has excellent leadership skills combined with a talent to know the numbers and a very good common sense. The listed abilities above and the fact that he is very appreciated by his staff for his support and leadership makes Mats to a most enjoyable person to work together with. Mats always took time to discuss strategy and business issues.
If I ever should have the possibilities to work with him again, I shouldn’t hesitate to join his team! I recommend Mats at the warmest!

Mårten Edvardsson
I had the great pleasure of working with Mats during my time at LM Ericsson. He is a very skilled, focused and structured person in his line of work. He is good at making the right decisions at the right time. He is very interested in providing a good working environment for his team which led to good results over time. He’s a very motivating person with a good sense of humor and with an excellent knowledge within the financial field.

Mattias Gidlund
Mats is a highly committed and business oriented person. Who alway’s work for the best of the company. Mats are good in encourage is employees to develop them self’s and to take their own initiative.

Niklas Lindbom
As a business colleague to Mats in Saudi Arabia and in the United Arab Emirates, I have seen him dealing extremely professionally with many difficult issues in a multicultural and insecure environment. He is sharp and highly competent in processes and financial day-to-day work, to the point in discussions and he is very

Kumar Perera
Mats is a hardworking & people oriented good manager.

Niranjan Rengasamy
Mats were my manager in Saudi 5 years before, and during my 14 years of Ericsson period, I never worked such a great manager who really supports and guide the employees with high professionalism & keep the core value. Mats are the best manager who is having high leadership skills and know what to do and how to do. Especially motivate the resources, use the resources in the correct place based on there talent and capability. Support them when they needed either official work or problems. The person who you can talk about your personal matter and get valuable advice, the no drought rather than Mats. Mats is not like a manager and he is like you best friend when you work with him. He always follow the co-operate process and he is one of the process orient person that he need to keep the company policy, core value and always thing about the benefit of the company first. Apart from this as a person he is a good father as he keep is person life separate and tale care his family even though with his busy schedule. I strongly recommend Mats whoever trying to looking for a manager to run the organization such as Financial Control, SSC or any Service providing organization. I wish him good luck and waiting for another opportunity to work with him to learn more about the leadership & management skills from Mats

Susan Kreivi
Mats is a driven person who is enthusiastic about work and achieving results on time, every time. He is structured and very good at and interested in motivating personnel. These characteristics make him a good manager who is easy and fun to work with.

Marco-Antonio Morales
Mats managed the global implementation of Ericsson’s invoice scanning and workflow solution for local companies and market units. He performed the task involved with determination and stamina and managed to deliver according to our customers’ expectations and demands. Needless to say, the results increased administrative efficiency while decreasing the total cost for our local companies and Market Units.

Ali Sadek
Mats is a very experienced guy within Finance both from his career within Ericsson or earlier within SAAB. He also possesses the international aspect as he has been working as an expat for Ericsson in Saudi Arabia. As person Mats is very straight forward with no room for “bullshit” but keeping a very professional attitude about his work relations. I would definitely recommend Mats as a big asset for any organization.

George Grabecz
My recommendations for Mats Kallmyr are based on the following qualities:
– is a genuine people manager who loves to motivate and develop his staff using proven methods
– is highly structured in his tasks and know how to prioritize and focus
– is a skilled presenter and loves to be on stage, communication with individuals and large groups is a definite strong point
– is a visionary and shaper: an inspire groups and people to meet long term goals
– has empathy and really listens to his staff
– delivers results
On a more personal note, I feel that Mats qualifies as perhaps the best manager I have had during my 13 years at Ericsson. He has been a fantastic support to me and my development.
I wish to give him my absolute warmest recommendations!

Anders Beckius
Mats have an eye for the “big picture” and are loyal to the overall mission and strategy of the Group. He is keen on methods and tools to improve the operation at hand and seems to enjoy especially project-oriented assignments.

Jones Hedlund
Mats are a Manager you get great confidence in. And he is that kind of person you really look up to. He has an extremely good educational level and strong leadership skills. A perfect manager to take inspiration from!

Carl Niss-Fahlander
Mats is a very good manager as he really cares about his employees and really encourages people to come up with new ideas for improvements.
Another very positive thing is that he wants people to develop, both personally and professionally. He also is very dedicated to building a strong team that has a high-performance capacity.

Sanna Hill
Mats were my manager for about two years at Contact Center Stockholm. It was really challenging to be a part of Mats’ team, in a good way! He really focuses on the individual and the team. This means that you need to work with yourself a lot, work with giving and receiving feedback (positive/“negative”), how you express yourself, your feelings, from your point of view, no matter what anybody else thinks. No one can say what you feel is wrong.    🙂
I have received feedback from people saying they think I have been more confident, more tolerant (listen to people and have time for them) etc. This is very nice to hear and I think it was thanks to Mats and now when I don’t work together with him anymore I need to continue this work on my own because I want to keep developing the skills I have. Thank you, Mats and good luck in the future, I’m sure we’ll meet again!

Jesper Pedersen
During the work to make a global network of internal Contact Centers, Mats was a key person. As manager of the “template” Contact Center, he was developing all the best practices both in processes, tools, and organizational set-up. And all that with a remarkable people oriented management style. Personally, I knew Mats as a social and always passionate personality – very energizing and inspirational to be around. With a diverse set of experiences, I believe Mats is a person to engage in anything that takes this “extra passion” to get done.

Kristi Ekelöw
I would like to thank you for our contact. I appreciate our conversation when you told me about your job and your view of leadership. It actually gave me a boost and a direction! I found it most interesting. I am looking forward to work in an organization like ST, multinational and with great opportunities for growth and development. I look forward to doing a similar “journey” like you have! Once again, thank you. Looking forward to meeting again!

Pierpaolo Poli
I worked with Mats by STM side in the implementation of STEricsson account payable activity centralization to STM ESAS group of the Sweden companies. Thanks to our hard work and to the big experience of Mats, a strong team has been created, and after the first phase of start up in which we faced a lot of difficulties, the job has been well completed and now it is going quite well. Thank you very much, Mats!

Steve Hehanussa
Mats are the kind of leader who is giving his employees the opportunity to grow in their roles and responsibilities for them to be the right person in the right place. With his tremendous amount of experience in leading and coaching people, he secures that goals are met, recognizes the successes and provides feedback with the sole purpose to learn and improve, realizing that their internal motivation is increasing. In the period that I reported to him, I got to know him as an open, honest and direct person. A person to whom you at any time could reflect your ideas and visions with. In times where our surroundings are demanding for each individual, leaders like Mats are needed to keep a team motivated, focussed and empowered. It has been really a pleasure to work with Mats. I would recommend him at any time and if I am given the opportunity to work with him again, I would do that without any doubt

Lola Vukicevic Rytkönen
During the 12 years that I have known Mats, I have seen him in various roles: manager, colleague, partner and supplier/consultant to my own company “Live Systems Sweden AB”. Mats have been extremely professional and equally proficient in all of these roles. Mats is an inspirational leader, who spread positive spirit, is able to get the group goes to the same goals, to empower staff and get them to burn for their duties. As a colleague, Mats shared unselfishly his knowledge, supported his colleagues in their projects and contributed to “we-feeling” was strengthened in the group. In our relationship customer-supplier/consultant (to my own company “Live Systems Sweden AB”) performed Mats assignments in a professional manner, delivered with exceptional quality within the agreed time. The presentation that he created for our company and presented to more than three hundred customers became a real success! He demonstrates exceptional communication skills and is a talented orator. Mats create more value in every project he works with, easy to solve problems, apply analytical thinking. He has
Mats is a person with great drive who accomplished his tasks and responsibilities in the best of ways. I would like to endorse Mats and give him my best recommendations.

Mikael Björn
Mats is a very seasoned and effective senior manager that really goes for the real goal and delivers. Mats experience makes him a very effective change leader.

Hani Hamdi
I’ve worked with Mats within the line organization of ITTE Hub Stockholm for 1 year.
I’ve seen Mats as a very professional and innovative manager who supported all the working group and created a very healthy working environment  My recommendation for the dedication and motivation shown during the project activities that he has been working with.

Luz Lopez
Mats have been very easy to work as a line manager, he enjoys in the role and is very clear in the distribution of duties and responsibilities. Mats have a unique ability to simply but clearly demonstrate the significant elements so that all participants understand, he is also sensitive to the views that show up and take NECESSARY into account these.

Robert Gouffrich
Mats put energy to build up our team and let us think, change and act by our self or within the team. He “plants a seed” in our minds and allows us to work with the idea in an individual pace.
In the start you get the feeling that nothing happened but after I while you understand that ideas/changes/problems are something you as a team member can handle by your self or within the team. Mats are in the background and support/coach you when needed.

Bing Lu Runesson
Mats is a great contribution to the organization with dedication and innovation. As a manager, he is very kind and considerate to his staff with encouragement and support. It has been a great pleasure to work with Mats from both a professional and a personal perspective!

Göran Owe
Mats have adopted the new leadership model as coach and mentor and give the employees a lot of feedback in getting results and a clear strategic vision. Proactive and support are two cornerstones which can summarize his work right now.

Roger Silvermane
Mats were my manager for 1 year at Ericsson. During this time, I got to know Mats as a manager that was very supportive, he made sure that his team always had what was needed to get their work done on time with the right quality and cost. But more than being just a good manager, I found Mats to be that rare type of person that focuses on what is best for the overall business and the company even if it meant sacrificing his own goals. Integrity is probably the best word I would use to describe him as he wasn’t afraid to say what needed to be said and do what needed to be done. It was extremely refreshing to work with a manager who also didn’t mind going against “big company politics” in order for the overall business to succeed. I would highly recommend Mats as an asset to any business and would be glad to work along side him again. Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions about Mats.

Kenneth Ohlin
Mats is a very dedicated person with high financial and managerial skills. Mats have made an excellent job of creating the F&A team for ST-Ericsson Sweden and with his passion for creating team spirit handed over a team with tremendous energy.

Michael Pettersson
Mats are on the case until it is done with good results. He is also an easy person, nice to be around. So I can really recommend Mats.

Håkan Nordlander
Mats have been my fellow worker for a few years and he has always demonstrated a high level of professional skills in his work. In particular, I could mention his perseverance when solving complex issues, his ability to deliver the proper solution on time and his good humor even in stressful situations. His good communication skills make every lecture he gives a great fun for his audience! It is therefore easy for me to endorse my colleague and good friend Mats!

Kevin Kuru
Mats is a pragmatic individual of high caliber, he resolves problems in a structured manner. I wish Mats all the best in business and life!

Christian Tschiggfrey
I had the privilege of working with Mats on the global roll-out of a new Compliance solution at Ericsson. During the project, I really enjoyed working was Mats who is a proactive, result driven and a broad-minded perfectionist. He is always working towards maximal customer satisfaction. Being a highly motivated achievement oriented and reliable team player makes him an extremely valuable manager. I strongly endorse Mats as it was a real please to work with him.

Göran Waernström
I have worked with Mats in his role as ICT Project Portfolio Manager Finance at Ericsson. Mats experience from various areas and roles (automobile, telecom, etc) bringing great value to any organization. I special appreciate Mats enthusiastic and professional way of addressing issues. Mats is also a nice guy 🙂

Daniel Lindqvist
Mats long experience, structured ways and pragmatic approach made him excel in this position. Not only did he perform his tasks in a professional way, but he also worked hard to further improve processes and ways of working. He truly believes in empowering people and that leadership is about bringing the best out of the fellow man.
I enjoyed working by his side and would gladly do so again.

Fredrik Wiik
Mats pay great attention to personal and organizational development without losing focus on the deliveries. He makes a difference by having a strong focus on the root cause; taking in and relaying relevant knowledge; and triggering improvement initiatives. Mats is also a great colleague.

Prem Satpathy
Mats Kallmyr is a technocrat with the immense capability to map BITA (Business – IT Alignment). He is highly process driven and often recognized for his swiftness in process engineering. Mats quality focus is clearly visible in his ways of working. His finesse in ideating, evaluating, prototyping and industrializing technology driven business process make him an ideal business process innovator. Mats ability to connect data-facts to pulse of people and drive improvement areas makes him a balanced leader for the organization and people. His dynamism, zest and drive for change craft an environment of motivation within the work group. While working with Mats, one would instantly get comfortable and his infectious humor makes him a people’s person. Mats Kallmyr is an inspiration for evolving leaders.

Kristoffer Sjöström
Mats were select as one of 10 members of the ITTE Advisory Board in tough competition with close to 100 applicants from ITTE worldwide. The section required the applicants to show they understand the internal and external challenges faced by ITTE as a global unit and select 3 areas where the ITTE should focus attention to have the most lasting benefit.
Mats current and historical in-depth knowledge of Ericsson has proven highly valuable for the board and allowed us to look at issues from different angles. Mats have been a highly valued member of the CIO Advisory Board 2012-2013!

Kapiamba Wampuka
Mats a determined person and always focus on finding new ways of improving daily activities and processes. It was a pleasure working together with him in CIO Advisory Board.

Jay Jay Chin
It has been a privilege working with Mats in the CIO Advisory Board, and we belonged to the same smaller focus group within the Board.
Mats are very organized, proactive, and full of creativity, which gave us many good suggestions, some of which were ultimately implemented in the organization.

David Gerges
Mats and I worked close to each other during our time in the Middle East, where Mats held a position as Financial Controller for the Saudi branches. He was a highly appreciated manager among his closest colleagues and had a management style that people thought highly of. Mats always delivered on time and with high quality. I would like to give him my best recommendation.

Camilla Bergström
Mats were my manager at this time, and do work in Mats team was a pleasure. He is a very supportive, positive and human person, and nothing seems to be impossible to his point of view. Besides, you could always trust his words, what he says is what will happen.

Matti Pekkanen
Mr. Kallmyr was the recipient of an electronic invoice handling solution that I was implementing for accounts payable. He was easy to work for as he understood the large picture of how new technologies could bring control and efficiency to his department; i.e. process improvements were always on top of his mind. As a manager, he was supportive, positive and professional. He encouraged me to take own initiatives which gave fuel to my development. Thus, we have maintained our relationship since then. In summary; I find Mr. Kallmyr very professional, respectful and have a strong passion to succeed.

Sven Svärdström
Had the joy of working together with Mats for 3 years, on a number of projects. Mats had a very professional attitude, in a positive sense, and always thought in ways of improving the business processes within his department. His knowledge and enthusiasm, along with a great smile, made a great contribution to the different projects we worked on.

Markus Winqvist
Mr. Kallmyr was appreciated by his colleagues at Saab Cars as a dedicated and innovative Controller. He established relevant routines in areas stuck with outdated methods and downright chaos. His constant evaluation and implementation of more efficient business methods contributed in lifting the entire department to a higher level of cost effectiveness.

Dorus Goossens
Mats and I worked for 2 years together. When I started as Manager Contact Center at Ericsson Netherland, I regularly visited his Contact Center in Sweden. I directly noticed his leadership skills. He had a clear view of the future developments on the Contact Center Concept and he translated that to clear strategic objectives to the global management of Ericsson. He inspired and motived his employees by giving them responsibility within the team and opportunities to develop their personal skills. This way of management led to high performance.
Mats are always willing and not afraid to share his knowledge with others!! Mats is an inspiring manager.

Camilla Widegren
Mats is a very inspiring, dedicated and coaching manager. He attaches great importance to the development of the group and is focused on giving you the opportunity to grow as individuals and as a team. I think he has a positive attitude but is not afraid of confrontation. I can warmly recommend Mats.

Nina Koivisto
Mats were my manager for about 1 year, first half I was a consultant and then an employee. He has an open mind and respectful attitude. He showed me a leader that is not afraid of confrontation, who listens to every side and then stands by his decision. He is a direct and fair leader with a great sense of humor. I’m very thankful to have met him.

Gordana Stakic
Absolutely the best manager I could ever wish for. Great communication skills. Open minded and straight in his leadership. Thank you, Mats!

Robin Edlund
I worked with Mats as a supplier of consultants to his organization. It was a pleasure to deliver to Mats because his abilities as a leader are powerful. He can take any average team and make it into a world class team with great success.

Paul Ohrt
Mats Kallmyr is an excellent manager equipped with the proper skill set needed to get the work done in any work setting. Mats have influenced me in a big way and positive way. His idea of management of holding the group together stands out and makes you excited about your daily work. I would recommend Mats for any undertaking he might pursue.

Pär Alm
Mats are a very open and coaching manager.
You can clearly see that he loves his work to empower and develop his staff. He focuses a lot on giving you the opportunity to grow both as individuals and as a team. I have under my time, with Mats as manager, had the possibility to do both. Mats took Contact Center and our team to a new level of support at Ericsson. I thank you for the opportunities given and hope that our paths will cross in the future.

Pär Pettersson
I worked with Mats at Ericsson in almost 2 years. He’s a manager who inspires and motives all colleagues with deep knowledge and positive attitude – great manager!

Marie Johansson
Mats worked very strong with development in the group. This lead to a very self-going group with respect for each other. Very good work!

Martin Roger
Mats are goal focused and highly motivated in his job. Mats is a person that is direct in his communication, and not afraid to speak his mind when necessary to “makes things happen”, always pushing progress in the right direction, but at the same time open minded to new ideas and/or comments. Mats is a great team leader, with in depth knowledge of leadership and management. I would like to give Mats my highest recommendations

Magnus Wahlberg
Mats have a profound interest in leadership and management, and an enthusiasm for the subject that easily spills over. His thoughts and ideas with regards to the individual’s empowerment, personal development, and group evolution are spots on.

Sergio Coppola
I had Mats as direct Manager for one year in ST-Ericsson, he is a strong believer of the team working, able to evaluate people for their skills and combine them in the best way. He is very focused and straight forward, with a wide experience in finance, projecting and in a lot of fields, it has been a great opportunity for me to work with him.

Philippe Berger
Open minded, looking out of the box, benchmarking and challenging the way of working. Technically analyzing issues and possible solutions, proposing… This is the Mats that I know!

Hassan Alaoui
Mats and I worked together for the Gulf countries within Market unit EMEA and the last time we’ve worked together within Engineering Sweden. I found him to be a good and supporting leader, he is technically strong and he has a great business sense as well. His communication skills are excellent. He is fluent in many languages which make him a great asset for an intercultural type of work between companies. I enjoyed working with him and hope to work with him again in the future